行政書士法第10条の2第1項に基づく報酬額表。 (2016年1月1日から適用)
業務内容 |
金額(円) |
業務内容 |
金額(円) | ||
医療機器 | 医療機器製造販売業許可申請 (第1種) The application for authorization of manufacturing / distribution of medical devices(of the first kind) |
350,000~ | 医療機器製造販売業許可申請(第2種) The application for authorization of manufacturing / distribution of medical devices(of the second kind) |
300,000~ | |
医療機器製造販売業許可申請 (第3種) The application for authorization of manufacturing / distribution of medical devices(of the third kind) |
200,000~ | 医療機器製造業登録申請 The application for registration of manufacturing of medical devices |
200,000~ | ||
医療機器に係るQMS省令への適合性調査申請 The application for conformity assessment of medical devices with the ministerial ordinance of the QMS |
200,000~ | 医療機器に係るその他の申請手続 Other application procedures to be concerned with medical devices |
要相談Negotiable | ||
化粧品 | 化粧品製造販売業・製造業許可申請 The application for authorization of manufacturing or manufacturing/ distribution of cosmetics |
200,000~ | 化粧品製造販売業・製造業許可更新申請 Renewal of the application for permission of manufacturing or manufacturing/ distribution of cosmetics |
100,000~ | |
化粧品に係るその他の申請手続Other application procedures to be concerned with cosmetics | 要相談Negotiable | ||||
産業廃棄物 | 産廃処理業の申請(収集運搬の許可、更新、変更)(積替え保管除き) 関東地方(東京、埼玉、神奈川、千葉、茨城、栃木、群馬) The application for authorization of the collection transportation, update, change about the waste industry(Excluding reshipment and starage) (In the Kanto area.) |
70,000~ |
産廃処理業の申請 (中間処理の許可、または中間処理に係る施設設置許可) The application for authorization of the industrial waste intermediate disposer /the installation of the industrial waste intermediate treatment facility. |
要相談Negotiable | |
上記に係るその他の申請手続Other application procedures to be concerned with as above | 要相談Negotiable | ||||
国際 |
在留資格認定証明交付申請 (投資・経営除き) The application for the issuance of a certificate of eligibility (Exclude investor/business manager) |
80,000~ |
在留資格認定証明交付申請 (投資・経営) The application for the issuance of a certificate of eligibility (Investor/business manager) |
100,000 | |
在留資格変更申請 (投資・経営除き) The application for permission for change of status of residence (Exclude investor/business manager) |
80,000~ |
在留資格変更申請(投資・経営) The application for permission for change of status of residence (Investor/business manager) |
100,000 | ||
在留期間更新申請(転職無) The application for permission for extension of the period of stay (Not change job) |
40,000~ |
在留期間更新申請(転職有) The application for permission for extension of the period of stay (Change job) |
80,000~ | ||
在留期間更新申請(投資経営) The application for permission for extension of the period of stay (Investor/business manager) |
50,000~ |
在留資格取得許可申請 The application for permission for acquisition of status of residence |
40,000~ | ||
永住許可申請 The application for permission for permanent residence status |
100,000~ |
再入国許可申請 The application for re-entry permission |
20,000~ | ||
資格外活動許可申請 The application for permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted |
20,000~ |
就労資格証明書交付申請 The application for certificate of qualification for employment |
30,000~ | ||
帰化許可申請 (投資・経営除き) The application for permission for naturalization (Exclude investor/business manager) |
200,000~ |
帰化許可申請 (投資・経営) The application for permission for naturalization (Investor/business manager) |
240,000~ | ||
渉外身分関係手続 Procedures of the private international law about the legal social position |
50,000~ |
国籍取得届等の手続 The notification of acquisition of nationality |
50,000~ | ||
短期在留ビザ The short-term residrnce visa acquisition |
30,000~ |
定住許可申請 The application for permission for long-term residernce status |
要相談 Negotiable | ||
難民認定申請 The application for recognition of refugee status |
要相談 Negotiable |
難民旅行証明書交付申請 The application for the issuance of a refugee travel document |
要相談Negotiable | ||
法人 |
会社設立手続 The application for Authorization of company foundation support 注記2参照:別途、登録免許(株式会社15万円、合同6万円)定款認証5万円+α が必要です。 Separate fee is required for registration of license and certification of bylaws 定款、内部規則、各種契約書等の作成 The preparation such as bylaws and articles of incorpioration, internal rules, contract |
100,000~ 40,000~ |
認定経営革新等支援機関として 個人事業者、中小企業経営者の 事業の新市場進出、業種・事業 の転換、国内外の事業再構築の ご相談及び取組方針・事業企画 書の作成 As a certified support organization for management innovation, We provide consultations for sole proprietors and small and medium-sized business owners to enter new markets, change industries and businesses, restructure domestic and overseas businesses, as well as create policy and business plans. |
要相談 Negotiable 補助金申請は 成功報酬で、 原則、獲得 金額の5%。 The subsidy application is asuccessfee, in principle, 5%ofthe amount earned. | |
建築 |
建築業許可申請(法人・新規、知事) The application for Authorization of construction industry (Prefectural Governor) |
120,000~ |
建築業許可申請(法人・更新、知事) Renewal of the application for construction industry permission |
要相談 Negotiable | |
建築業許可申請(法人・新規、大臣) The application for authorization of construction industry (Minister of MLIT) |
160,000~ |
建築業許可申請(法人・更新、大臣) Renewal of the application for construction industry permission |
要相談 Negotiable | ||
相続 |
相続人及び相続財産の調査 Investigation into heir and inherited property |
50,000~ |
遺言書の起案及び作成 Procedures for drawing up of the will |
50,000~ | |
遺言 |
遺産分割協議書の作成 Preparation of agreement on division of inherited property |
80,000~ |
遺言の執行 Procedures for execution of the will |
要相談 Negotiable | |
不服審査請求等 |
許認可等に関する審査請求、異議申立、再審査請求等行政庁に対する不服申立手続の代理 Representation in regard to procedures of appeals against an administrative agency, such as filing of objections or a demand for investigation on the basis of the administrative appeal law |
要相談 Negotiable |
事後的な違法な行政指導の中止、又は事前救済手続としての一定の処分・行政指導がなされるべきことの申出の支援 Proposals in regard to the cancellation of illegal administrative guidance and the disposal or administrative guidance as the prior relief procedures being done on the basis of the administrative procedure law |
要相談 Negotiable | |
その他 | 内容証明郵便作成 Preparation of mail handled as certified mail |
20,000~ |
公正証書等作成支援 Preparation of drafting of the notarial document |
30,000~ | |
飲食店営業許可申請 The application for permission for restaurant business |
80,000~ |
旅館営業許可申請 The application for permission for hotel business |
120,000~ | ||
顧問契約(月額) Advisory contract (monthly basis) |
5,000~ 要相談Negotiable |
公印確認・アポスティーユ申請 The application for authetication of official seal or apostille |
40,000~ |
2.会社設立の際、別途、登録免許(株式会社15万円、合同6万円)、定款認証5万円+α 等の費