3種類のインターンシップ/Three Kinds of Internshps

  • 現在、日本で実施されているインターンシップは、その目的により、大まかに以下の(A)~  (C)の3種類に分けることができます。
  • As for the internship carried out in Japan now, it can be divided into three kinds of following (A), (B) and (C) by its purpose roughly.
    (A) Internship as the part of education or the study
    (B) Internship for a carrier design or social experiences
    (C) Internship as finding employment preparations or the job hunting



(A) Internship as the part of education or the study

  • (A)のタイプのインターンシップは、伝統的インターンシップの考え方の1つです。
  • As for the internship of the type of (A), it is one of the traditional internship. The internship is considered to be a part of the education or the research activities (for example, medical field), and the purpose is to acquire the credit in university or a certain position in the specific field through participating in the internship.



(B) Internship for a carrier design or social experiences

  • (B)のタイプのインターンシップは、従来、一般的に受け入れられているインターンシップの考え方です。
  • As for the internship of the type of (B), it is a commonly accepted viewpoint of internship conventionally.
    It is a middle type of (A) and (C). The internship is considered to be a part of some social education in a wide meaning, and the purpose is to get experience to help a carrier design or occupation choice through the activity in the real world.



(C) Internship for preparation for finding jobs or the job hunting

  • 元々、欧米で広く普及しているインターンシップの考え方ですが、近年、日本でも普及してきているインターンシップの考え方です。
  • Originally it is a viewpoint of internship spreading widely in Europe and America, but in late years spreads rapidly in Japan.
    It is valued as means to raise the student's technique to a standard necessary for entering a company before graduation by letting him to get practical experiences in the real world during the certain period. The purpose is to choose a workplace or/and to build a carrier vision.
    As for the internship of the type of (C), a finding employment support site plays the role of intermediaries with the company side such as a venture company, SMEs including a big company and recommends the internship offer of a variety of industry types or job types. In addition, in late years a firm of experts which provides the internship information of various companies throughout a year in order to mediate a company introducing internship and a student in hope of participation.