中小企業におけるインターンシップ/Internship in SMEs



1. Internship in Japanese Small and Medium Sized enterprises

  •  海外ではアジアなどの新興国を中心に高い経済成長が続き、今後も大きな発展が見込まれます。このため、経済活動のグローバル化の進展による競争激化のため、我が国の中小企業の経営戦略においても海外投資活動が求められています。
  • High economic growth continues abroad led by rising nations of Asia, and
    development is anticipated in future. For competition intensification by the
    progress of the globalization of economic activities the business development in
    foreign countries by the overseas investing activities is demanded in the corporate
    The source of the strength of the economic power of our country is supported by
    product development capability and the high technology that the small and
    medium sized enterprises have. However, the small and medium sized enterprises
    have not taken enough countermeasures with intelligence and human resources
    development in the overseas business strategy in comparison with a big company.
    On the other hand, many foreign students go back to the mother country while
    staying in our country after graduation, and hoping for finding employment in the
    Japanese company without not having an opportunity to come across the
    attractive small and medium sized enterprises.
    It is expected that the small and medium sized enterprises introduce the
    internship system that is the adoption method that is generally performed in the
    world to accept a global talented person, and it is necessary to wrestle for
    adoption activity positively.



2.Innovation is born by heterogeneous ideas being united

  •  21世紀に求められる経営戦略の要点は新機軸を生み出すことだと言われています。新機軸は、多様な価値観を持つ人材と、異質なものを育む企業風土から、生みだされます。
  • It is said that the main point of corporate strategy demanded in the 21st century is to bring about innovation. Innovation comes out of corporate culture to bring up a talented person with a variety of sense of values and a heterogeneous thing.
    It is said that many foreign students want to donate a heterogeneous thing as a foreigner on the occasion of finding employment.
    Therefore though it is a premise that the company makes clear what kind of talented person it wants to find in order to achieve the target, at the same time, it is important for the company to demand that at first a foreign student has culture and the sense of values of the mother country well and that at second he understands Japan in addition.
    During recruitment each company should use a standard of the excellence based on the original sense of values to judge that the employee will be outstanding indeed in the company rather than majority of companies use a standard of the same excellence for adoption selection.
    On the other hand, after having been assigned to duties, it is said that foreign students have an inclination to demand company contribution and the evaluation corresponding to this in a short term. The same salary is not fair, and a way of thinking that it is not equal so fair to pay a reward depending on the contribution to the company and the specificity is necessary for the standard of the fairness.
    In addition, in the personnel affairs labor guidance in the overseas investment, a way of thinking to make much of the compliance with laws and ordinances and the contribution to socioeconomic development of the country concerned is necessary without merely finding cheap labor cost.



3. Anticipated results in the internship system of the overseas foreign student

  •  経済活動のグローバル化により、世界では優秀なグローバル人材の奪い合いが行われています。日本で学んだ日本語のできる優秀な人材を引き留めないことは企業にとっての損失です。海外事業戦略を進める中小企業にとっては、海外留学生をどのように活用するのかは、企業戦略上で最重要課題になっています。更に、我が国の労働者人口の減少傾向がこれに拍車をかけています。
  • By the globalization of economic activities, the scramble for excellent global talented person is carried out in the world. It is a loss for the companies not to detain a foreign student who is familiar with Japanese and who learned with much effort in Japan. For the small and medium sized enterprises pushing forward an overseas business strategy, it becomes the most important problem on a corporate strategy how they utilize a foreign student. Furthermore, a tendency to decrease of the worker population of Japan accelerates this.
    Not a Japanese-style adoption method of the new college graduate collective adoption, correspondence to adoption is necessary in the whole year when I used the internship system that is generally performed in the world to employ a superior foreign student.
    By the new adoption method, the acceptance of the workplace becomes important. A way of thinking to integrate upbringing in the workplace with adoption is made much of without sorting adoption activity and education training.As a result, finding employment can be decided after both the foreign student and the company have understood each other enough through group work and the spot experience in the workplace,
    By using the internship system the foreign student does not only depend on an image and outside information but understand the contents of the company and can choose a workplace. Besides, the company can decide the adoption after having judged practically whether an adoption applicant met the evaluation standard.






  • 海外事業投資をはじめとする、会社の将来に向けた事業の発展のために、新しい時代に適合した人材開発の手法をご検討される場合、まずは、当面する課題を整理するお手伝いをいたします。
    ⇒ 事業目的/人材力/技術力/コスト競争力/商品開発力/企業風土・文化等の確認   何を、いつまでに、どうしたいのか、課題を明確にします。
  • 会社独自のインターンシップ制度の企画・開発・運用の仕組みつくりを支援致します。
    ⇒ 経営管理システムと整合した体系的な仕組みつくりを目指します。
  • インターンシップの取組の概要は以下の各ページをご参照ください。



