
4. Scope of Application of the internship depends on the kind of the university student

  • 現在、日本で実施されているインターンシップ制度は、インターンシップに参加する大学生(以下のⅠ~Ⅲ)の種類によって、インターンシップの各種類(A~C)の適用範囲が異なります。
    (Ⅰ)日本人の大学生 - 日本人の大学生が、日本でインターンシップに参加する場合
    (Ⅱ)日本の大学に在籍する外国人留学生 - 日本の大学に在籍する外国人留学生が、日本でインターンシップに参加する場合
    (Ⅲ)外国の大学に在籍する外国人学生 - 外国の大学に在籍する外国人学生が、日本でインターンシップに参加する場合
  • As for the internship system operated in Japan now, scope of application of each kind (A to C mentioned in Chapter 2) of the internship is different depending on each kind of the university student (Ⅰ to Ⅲ mentioned below) who participates in the internship program.
    (I) A Japanese student - in case of the Japanese student participating in the internship program in Japan
    (II) A student from abroad registered at the Japanese university - in case of a student from abroad registered at the Japanese university participating in the internship program in Japan
    (III) A foreign student registered at the foreign university - in case of a foreign student registered at the foreign university participating in the internship program in Japan.



(I) About the method that the Japanese student participates in the internship program in Japan

  • 日本人の大学生が、日本でインターンシップに参加する場合、インターンシップの適用範囲に制約はありません。

  • In case of the Japanese student participating in the internship program in Japan, there is no limitation to scope of application of the internship.

    On the other hand, in each case of (II) a student from abroad registered at the Japanese university and in case of (III) a foreign student registered at the foreign university, when they participate in the internship program in Japan, there occurs limitation to scope of application of the internship, because, as a general rule, labor is prohibited to a foreigner in Japan.
    Furthermore, in the case of (III), the kind of the residence status which you should acquire varies according to each kind (A - C) of the internship.
    Therefore, a sponsor should confirm scope of application of the internship when he accepts a foreign student as a participant to the internship program of the company.
    (cf Table2 shown below)



(II) About the method that a student from abroad registered at the Japanese university participates in the internship program in Japan.



    (II-1) When a foreign student registered at the foreign university establishes a period and studies in the Japanese university as an exchange student

    • 外国人留学生が、もし海外の大学に在籍しており、期間を定めて交換留学生として日本の大学に留学しているのであれば、その交換留学生としての活動を終えてインターンシップに参加するため「留学」から「特定活動」(9号)に資格変更することは可能です(インターンシップの活動が在籍する海外の大学に単位認定される又は卒業の条件となっているものに限ります。)。
    • When a foreign student is registered at the foreign university establishes a period and studies in Japan as an exchange student, he/she can change a residence status for "Specific Activity" (9) from "Student" to finish the activity as the exchange student, and to participate in the internship.
      (In this case it is necessary that the activity of the internship is performed as the specialized subject given the unit authorization by the overseas university or the condition of the graduation from it.)



    (II-2) When a student from abroad is registered at the Japanese university.

    • 外国人留学生が、単に本邦の大学に在籍しているだけであれば、残念ながら「特定活動」(9号)の要件を満たすことはできませんので、報酬が支給されるインターンシップの活動に参加することはできません。
    • When a student from abroad only registered at the Japanese university, he/she cannot participate in activity of the internship with a reward in Japan because he/she cannot meet the requirement of "specific activity" (9) unfortunately.
      However, as for the student from abroad registered at the Japanese university, the part-time job of 28 hours a week is accepted if he/she gets permission of the activity out of the qualification. In addition, he /she can work part-time until eight hours a day during the long vacation of the university in the summer and the winter season. Therefore, the participation in the internship program is possible if it satisfies constraints relating to the part-time activity mentioned above when a reward is paid.
      In addition, even if the contents of the internship program is 40 hours a week, he /she can participate as "Student” of a residence status theoretically when a reward is unpaid. (In this case it is necessary that the internship is carried out as the specialized subject given unit authorization or the curriculum in the university.)


(Ⅲ) 外国の大学に在籍する外国人学生が、日本でインターンシップに参加する方法

(III) About the method that a foreign student registered at the foreign university participates in the internship in Japan.

  • 外国の大学に在籍する外国人学生のインターンシップのビザは日数と報酬の有無によって、以下3つのパターンに分けられます。
  • The visa of the internship of the foreign student registered at the foreign university is divided into three patterns of following 1), 2) and 3) by days and having reward or not.
    1) When it is nonpaying within 90 days: Short-stay visa.
    Generally speaking, when a foreigner is not active with a reward by the stays within 90 days for the purpose of such as sightseeing, business, an acquaintance, a relative visit, a short-stay visa is necessary on the occasion of entry. However, as of December, 2014, As of December, 2014, Japan has taken measures concerning the Visa Exemption Arrangements with 67 countries and regions. People from these countries, areas concerned does not have to acquire a visa on the occasion of entry.
    2) More than 90 days when is nonpaying: Cultural activities visa.
    3) When there is a reward in a period not to be over one year: Specific activity visa.


    (Ⅲ-1) 外国の大学に在籍する外国人学生が、我が国の公私の機関から報酬を受けない場合

    (III-1) When a foreign student registered at the foreign university do not receive a reward from an official and personal organization in Japan

    • 外国の大学に在籍する外国人学生が、我が国の公私の機関から報酬を受けない場合で(生活手当等の支給を受けることは妨げない。)、かつ、滞在期間が90日を超える場合には、「文化活動」ビザが付与されます。他方、滞在期間が90日を超えない時は、「短期滞在」ビザの在留資格が付与されます。( 1)、2)の事例)
    • When the foreign student registered at the foreign university does not receive a reward from a public or private organization in Japan (not inhibited from receiving the payment of living allowances.), and besides when a stay is over 90 days, the residence status of "Cultural activities visa" is given. On the other hand, when a stay is not over 90 days, the residence status of "Short-stay visa" is given. (Case of 1) or 2))


    (Ⅲ-2) 外国の大学に在籍する外国人学生が、当該大学と日本の公私の機関との間の契約に基づき当該機関から報酬を受ける場合

    (III-2) When a foreign student registered at the foreign university receives a reward from a public or private organization in Japan on the basis of the contract between the university concerned and that organization.

    • 外国の大学の学生(卒業又は修了した者に対して学位の授与される教育課程に在籍する者(通信による教育を行なう課程に在籍する者を除く。)に限る。)が、当該教育課程の一部(*1)として、当該大学と本邦の公私の機関との間の契約に基づき当該機関から報酬(*2)を受けて、1年を超えない期間(*3)で、かつ、通算して当該大学の修業年限の2分の1を超えない期間内(*4)、当該機関の業務に従事する活動を行なう場合には、在留資格として「特定活動」ビザが付与されます。( 3)の事例)
    • When the foreign student (Only a person who is registered at a course of a foreign university where an academic degree is conferred by graduation or completion of the curriculum. (except a person to be registered at a correspondence course)) receives “a reward “(*1) from a public or private organization in Japan on the basis of the contract by which they agrees on that the internship is “A part of the educational curriculum concerned” (*2) between the university concerned and that organization, and participates in the internship program “in a period not to exceed a year” (*3) and besides “within the period in the aggregate not to exceed a half of the years required for graduation of the university concerned” (*4), he/she is given a residence status of " Specific activity visa”.



    (*1) "A reward"

    • 「報酬」とは、インターンシップの活動を行なう学生に対し、就労の対価として受入れ機関から支払われる金銭です。
    • (*1) "A reward" is money paid to an active student of the internship for value of the working by the acceptance organization.
      Though the application condition is not necessarily same, when overheads (the food expenses except the salary, transportation expenses, hotel charges or other miscellaneous expenses) to affect real activity is paid, it is not the reward. Even if a company bore the expense mentioned above, it is no problem by handling to be nonpaying



    (*2) “A part of the educational curriculum concerned”

    • (*2)「当該教育課程の一部」とは、インターンシップを実施する場合に、受入機関で従事する業務の内容が、学生が大学に戻った際に単位が修得できるものであることを意味します。「○○○○」は、○○○○○○○○のオリジナルブランドです。伝統的な技術をもとに、自由な発想で新製品を開発しました。
    • (*2) “A part of the educational curriculum concerned” means that the contents of business in which the student is to be engaged in the acceptance organization should be what a unit authorization is given to when a foreign student who participates in the internship program of Japan comes back to the university.



    (*3) "The period not to be over one year"

    • (*3)「1年を超えない期間」とは、インターンシップに必要な滞在が6か月以上の場合に、その期間更新が認められないという条件で、在留期間が1年の特定活動ビザが許可されることを意味します。「○○○○」は、○○○○○○○○のオリジナルブランドです。伝統的な技術をもとに、自由な発想で新製品を開発しました。
    • (*3) "The period not to be over one year" means that when stays necessary for an internship are more than six months, Specific activity visa of one year is permitted on the condition that renewal of a residence period is not recognized.



    (*4) “Within the period in the aggregate not to exceed a half of the years required for graduation of the university concerned”

    • (*4)「通算して当該大学の修業年限の2分の1を超えない期間」とは、外国人学生がインターンシップに参加する場合に必要となる特定活動ビザに付与される在留期間を定めた規定です。当該在留資格を申請する場合には、申請人はこれまでに行ったインターンシップの入国履歴を証明する文書の提出が必要です。
    • (*4) “Within the period in the aggregate not to exceed a half of the years required for graduation of the university concerned” explains about the upper limit of the residence period of Specific activity visa, which a foreign student who participates in the internship program of Japan applies for.
      The applicant needs to submit the document proving an entry history by internships that he/she went for so far.



(I) A summary of the kind of the university student ((I) to (III) mentioned below) (Table2)

the kind of the university student

Purpose of the internship
A Japanese student :
in case of the Japanese student participating in the internship program in Japan
A student from abroad registered at the university in Japan :
in case of a student from abroad registered at the Japanese university participating in the internship program in Japan
A foreign student registered at the foreign university :
in case of a foreign student registered at the foreign university participating in the internship program in Japan.

Internship as the part of education or the study

Student visa & permission of the activity out of the qualification

Specific activity visa

Internship for a carrier design or social experiences


Short-stay visa
Cultural activities visa

Internship for preparation for finding jobs or the job hunting

Student visa & permission of the activity out of the qualification

Short-stay visa
Cultural activities visa