The system of the internship in Japan
- インターンシップは、学生に就業体験の機会を提供する制度です。インターンシップに参加した学生は、一定期間、実際の企業等で職場体験を行うことにより、自分の適性を知り、職業選択をすることができます。インターンシップは研修であって、労働ではありませんから、その多くは無報酬です。その点では,報酬を受け取るアルバイトと異なります。
- The internship is a system to provide the opportunity of the operation
experience to the student.
The student who participated in the internship program can know his own
fitness and choose an occupation by performing workplace experience for
a certain period of time in real companies.
Because internship is the training and is not labor, most are unpaid. It
is different from a part-timer receiving a reward in the point.
(1) The spread of internship in our country
- 日本では、1997年、政府が「インターンシップの推進に当たっての基本的考え方」をとりまとめ、インターンシップを「学生が、在学中に自らの専攻、将来のキャリアに関連した就業体験を行うこと」と定義されました。法律を含む関係諸制度が整備された後、インターンシップ制度が広く普及し始めました。大学側は、インターンシップに対して、学校教育と職業生活との接続を図る経歴としての役目を期待し、単位認定される専門科目を設置するなどしてこれを推進してきました。企業側も、以下に見られるように、インターンシップへの取組姿勢を明らかにしました。日本経済団体連合会は、「採用選考に関する企業の倫理憲章の理解を深めるための参考資料」で、インターンシップの実施基準を発表しました。それによると、「学生の就業体験の提供を通じた産学連携による人材育成を目的とすることに鑑み、インターンシッププログラムは、5日間以上の期間をもって実施され、学生を企業の職場に受け入れるものであること。」としています。この5日間という期間は、職業感涵養に最低限必要な時間として、また大学の授業で単位認定が可能な時間としても導き出されたものです。
- As a result of the government gathering "a basic way of thinking on
promoting the internship" in Japan in 1997, the internship was defined
as the system that a student performs the operation experience in conjunction
with own specialty or the future carrier during attendance at school. After
the systems including the law concerned were maintained, internship systems
have begun to spread widely.The university side expects that the internship
plays the role as the career to connect school education and work life.
It set up a specialized subject to give unit authorization to the internship
and promoted it.The company side clarified action posture to internship
as seen in the following, too.Japan Business Federation announced the implementation
standards of the internship with "reference materials to deepen
the understanding of the ethic charter of the company about the employment
selection".It says that the internship program should be carried
out in consideration of the purpose of the personnel training by the university-industry
research collaboration through letting the students get practical experience
of a job in periods more than five days, and accept a student in the workplace
of the company. The period of these five days is derived from the minimum
time either necessary for providing students with opportunities to develop
professionalism or possible for giving unit authorization to students in
a class of the university.
(2) Internship become the leading role of the job hunting in Japan
- 「大学生は学業を優先すべき」といった政府要請に、経団連が応えるかたちで就職活動時期の繰り下げを決定したことにより、その後、我が国のインターンシップ制度に大きな変化が出てきました。2016年から、新卒採用活動は、選考解禁日が大学4年生4月から8月へと後ろ倒しになりました。この大規模な変更に伴い、新卒の大学生を争う大企業の主戦場は、会社説明会や就活サイトによる応募から、インターンシップに移ってきています。
- Because the Federation of Economic Organizations decided to put off the
time of starting the job hunting in response to the government request
that the university student should give priority to studies, a big change
came out to an internship system of our country afterwards. From 2016,
as for the recruiting activity of the new college graduate, a ban day of
employment selection was retreated in August from April. With this large-scale
change, the main battlefield of the big company to scramble for fresh graduates
has changed from a company briefing session and the application by the
job hunting site to internship.
(3) The promotion of internship as the matching measure for the medium
and small-sized business in Japan
- 現在、政府は、中小企業とのマッチング施策として、特に海外からの留学生を対象とした、インターンシップを促進しています。
- The government promotes the internship for the foreign students from the
foreign countries in particular as matching measures with the medium and
small-sized business now.
In late years, due to the advance of globalization and the intensification
of competition, expanding business base development overseas including
Asian area is no exception to SMEs. However, in the current situation and
challenges in the foreign strategies of SME, we can see that they cannot
take enough measures in case of securing a talented person frequently.
On the other hand, most of foreign students from the foreign countries
including each Asian country miss a chance to find a job in the Japanese
company, and, as a result, go back to the mother country after graduation
Therefore, the government plays a key role and is pushing forward the utilization
of the internship, which enhances to find out the talented person of a
foreigner helping the overseas development of the medium and small-sized
business constantly and smoothly, and to build structure functioning autonomously.
(4) An intern is the main premise of the finding employment condition conventionally
in Europe and America
- ところで、インターンシップは、元々、欧米で始められた制度ですから、インターンシップの制度について、日本と比べて長い歴史を有する欧米諸国の事例を知ることは有益です。
- By the way, as for the internship, it is useful to know the example of
American and European countries having the long history than Japan when
we think about a system of the internship in our country because it is
a system begun in Europe and America originally.
In Europe and America, a university student gets a practical experience
of a job for the long term of around three months using summer holidays
which is also for the purpose of acquiring a unit
This operation experience is defined as "internship", and "the
intern” is treated as a main premise of the condition to enter a profession.
In this case because internships are the training and are not labor, most
are unpaid.
It is said, less tangibly, the internship on a CV “signals” work readiness
in much the same way the university degree signals a level of intelligence.
As a result, employers may either directly recruit full-time employees
from their own interns or from among former interns at other organizations.
In the United States which is the internship birthplace it is valued as
means to raise the student's technique to a standard necessary for entering
a company, which set him to get practical experiences during the period
from his university admission to graduation.
Half or more are said to be unpaid. The highest peak of the unpaid intern
is White House intern.
(5) Movement of the rebuilding of the internship after the world synchronized
recession in Europe and America
- 2008年9月15日の大手投資銀行であるリーマンブラザーズの破綻とその後の世界同時不況は、欧州の若者に今まで経験したことのない影響を及ぼしました。この大不況では、若者への影響が不均衡に及びました。特に、25歳未満の若者の失業率が、現在に至るまで、気がかりなほど高いレベルにあります。
- The failure of Lehman Brothers which was a major investment bank of September
15, 2008 and the later world synchronized recession had influence that
they had not experienced on the European and American youth so far. The
Great Recession has disproportionately affected young people. Jobless rates
for people under 25 are at worryingly high levels until now.
With constrained budgets employers are less likely to take a chance on
young people, and increasingly demand a necessary technique to work from
day one. Without a track record of work to show potential employers, it
is harder to break into the labour market
Internships provided such a technique conventionally, and, as a result,
increased employability.
However, for an environmental change, it is concerned about deteriorating
inequity of the job opportunity of the youth. Where they are unpaid, they
also exacerbate inequality. Young people whose parents cannot afford to
support their internships face exclusion from many careers.
Internships have now become too important to be treated as part of the
informal economy in Europe and America. They need to be taken seriously.
Therefore, the examination about broad principles that should be applied
to internships in many countries is started.
Firstly, where unpaid internships are illegal, the law should be enforced.
This is because internships are jobs and should be treated as such. Therefore,
it comes to be thought that a new “intern” employment category should be
created (such as the French “stagiaire”) to give interns formal contracts,
including the right to a wage.
Secondly, governments and employer organizations should work together to
codify what a good internship looks like.
This is because promoting fair internships ensures young people can develop
the skills they need to get jobs in a tough labour market. It is thought
that the next generation of business and government leaders should be the
most talented people to realize harmonious society powerfully in the future.